Welcome to our new Publications Lounge. I am Lati`a Johnson President of JP. I will be sharing with you insider info about the publishing world. I will give advice and tips for authors and aspiring authors. In addition to that I will share excerpts from INSIDE OUT and my newest novel "BLUE MIRAGE".
*Contest and give- aways will be posted weekly hang out with us and enjoy the atmosphere.
Hello my name is TAVYDAY I am one of "JP Stars" I will be writing you about my experience as a JP author, and sharing my latest project Love X's 2 with you. So stay tuned for pics and many diary entries. talk to ya soon...
Greetings all!!!! I am MIMI Renee... I am one of the
newest members of "JP Stars" I will be sharing with you my journey to become a JP author. I will share pics and stories and some valuble advise to those seeking a publisher. Stay tuned for exerpts of my up coming book "HUB CITY". I hope you enjoy my input and many journal entries on my JOURNEY TO BECOME A JP AUTHOR... Talk to ya soon...

Hello all I am Evangelist Sarah E. Jamison I am the author of up coming christian poetry book ECHOES FROM HEAVEN... I will be giving my view about the struggles of inspirational authors and loging my journey up to the release of my debut project "Echoes from heaven." I also will share excerpts of my work for you viewing pleasure ...talk to you soon

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