The beginning of the bullshit!
The beginning of the bullshit!
Keisha could not believe what her eyes were seeing. Is that my mother and uncle outside, messing around right under my father’s nose? After controlling her breathing, she proceeded to listen to the conversation between her adulterous mom and backstabbing Uncle Ivan from her upstairs bedroom window. ....
"Wait, wait, wait. Don’t leave yet, babe. I want you, and I want you now," Shanna moaned. ....
"Come on, Shanna, not right here. My brother is right inside the house. What, you tryna get us busted or something?" he asked, while moving from behind the bushes and attempting to button up his pants. ....
"Who gives a fuck?" Shanna replied seriously. "Maybe then we could be together. Ivan, the only reason I’m still around in the first place is because of you. That sorry, drunk-ass brother of yours can’t do anything for me but keep me popping out these bad-ass kids of mine." Getting back to the action, Shanna kissed his lips. "Come on, baby. Give me some, Ivan. I took care of you. Now it's time for you to come take care of this pussy, baby. I want it," she demanded, getting louder as she grinded her body seductively on his.....
"What about Jas?" he asked, hoping she would back down at the mention of his name. ....
"And your point?" she replied, holding her ground.....
"He's in the damn house, Shanna. That's the point. And although you may not give a fuck, I do. I love the nigga, and he's my brother." He sighed in frustration. ....
"Oh, I see how it is," Shanna laughed. "I blow your dick off, and now you don't wanna return the favor. What a selfish lover you are," she teased. "But, if it makes you feel any better, Jasper's drunk ass is passed out on the fucking living room floor. And just like you and I both know, that man ain’t about to wake up no time soon."....
Knowing his brother would not awaken from his drunken coma, Ivan gave in. ....
"Okay, come on, baby, but let’s make it quick," he said, as he pushed her into the backseat of his clean, brand-new Caddie. ....
Soon, the car was rocking to their rhythm and the windows fogged up. With it being two days before Christmas, it should have been a joyous time for Keisha, but as she looked out the window at the car bouncing like it had hydraulics, she cried. ....
How could she do this to my daddy? And, out of all people, she was fooling around with Uncle Ivan. How could Daddy not know? Keisha wondered. Maybe I should go wake him up and let him see what his brother and wife are outside doing in his very own backyard. This is my daddy’s house. He pays all the bills, and momma has never worked a day in her life. ....
Hatred consumed her as she thought about what they were doing to her father, and at that moment, she wished her father would go out back and blow their fucking brains straight out of their heads. Then, those two lying bastards could die and go to hell together, Keisha thought. ....
Deciding to tell her father, she quickly made her way down the stairs and tapped her father on his shoulder. Just like always, it was hard to wake him.....
"Daddy!" she yelled over his loud snoring. "Wake up, Daddy! Wake up!" she yelled, as she continued tapping on his shoulder. When that didn’t work, she started to shake him.....
"What, baby, what?" he answered, still half asleep.....
"Somebody's out in our backyard, Daddy, and I’m scared," she lied. ....
Immediately, he jumped up and grabbed his gun out of the hallway safe. ....
"Go in the room with your mother, Keisha," he instructed her, as he proceeded to run down the stairs. "I’ll be right back," he assured her. ....
Nodding her head, she ran back upstairs to her bed and covered her head with the sheet, anticipating the loud gunshots she would hear when her father shot her mother and uncle after catching them in the act. ....
In the backyard, Jasper swiftly crept around like he did when he was in the Vietnam War. Upon seeing his brother's rocking Cadillac...
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