"Diary of a JP Star"
Hey all,
I am sooooo excited about connecting with my readers and the Mommy’s and Daddy’s of my little readers. This has been a journey whew! I love writing among other things and I just wanted to share an interview about my debut children’s book, LOVE X’s 2 with you… Being a JP author, mother, plus size model and woman can get kind of crazy but with the help of God I manage to pull it off (in 3 inch stilettos…lol). Read for yourself how personal my writing is to me. Feel free to write in and ask me questions; I will be happy to share… Smile and remember to make everyday, A TavyDay!!!!!! ENJOY!

"Your Favorite Book Reviewer's Favorite Book Reviewer...Period!"
Question 1: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Love x's 2?
Love x's 2 is loosely based on my personal experiences of raising a child who is fortunately, Loved X's 2, by having both myself and her father as (or appearing as) active parents.
Question 2: What sets Love x's 2 apart from other novels in its genre?
In this story, the main character, 6 year old India, speaks with much intelligence and insight to her present situation. She is outspoken, without being disrespectful. She is African American, and so are her friends; their names reflect that. This story is very realistic, age appropriate, topic concise and URBAN! There is nothing like Love X's 2 on the market and no matter what the culture, Co-Parenting relationships exist - this is the "in your face" proof.
In this story, the main character, 6 year old India, speaks with much intelligence and insight to her present situation. She is outspoken, without being disrespectful. She is African American, and so are her friends; their names reflect that. This story is very realistic, age appropriate, topic concise and URBAN! There is nothing like Love X's 2 on the market and no matter what the culture, Co-Parenting relationships exist - this is the "in your face" proof.
Question 3: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Love x's 2 getting out to the public?
I have the backing of Lati’a D. Johnson, Publishing CEO and mentor! She is very creative and full of "idea bulbs" that spontaneously switches on…
My Publicist Sharmina Ellis and I, are both the master keys to unlocking the success of Love x’s 2. With her dedication to the project and business sense, I have no doubt in her ability to enhance the buzz behind an already awesome product. Me, I’m passionate about this topic and want to see it addressed in the best light possible and that’s through India’s storyline. Horn tooting & all, I am TavyDay and my public a waits!
I have the backing of Lati’a D. Johnson, Publishing CEO and mentor! She is very creative and full of "idea bulbs" that spontaneously switches on…
My Publicist Sharmina Ellis and I, are both the master keys to unlocking the success of Love x’s 2. With her dedication to the project and business sense, I have no doubt in her ability to enhance the buzz behind an already awesome product. Me, I’m passionate about this topic and want to see it addressed in the best light possible and that’s through India’s storyline. Horn tooting & all, I am TavyDay and my public a waits!
Question 4: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Love x's 2?
I’m not sure if I so much have a process or just an impulse. Love X’s two was written in one (several hours) sitting. The editing of course was much more in depth with creating a solid voice to the story. As a poet, I will tell supporters that I am an "I" poet. Most of my poems are about me, the people close to me, and the personal experiences of both. If it’s not real (in some sense), I can’t write about it. I believe this was the same mindset behind Love X’s 2.
I’m not sure if I so much have a process or just an impulse. Love X’s two was written in one (several hours) sitting. The editing of course was much more in depth with creating a solid voice to the story. As a poet, I will tell supporters that I am an "I" poet. Most of my poems are about me, the people close to me, and the personal experiences of both. If it’s not real (in some sense), I can’t write about it. I believe this was the same mindset behind Love X’s 2.
Question 5: What's next for Tavy Day?
God willing; Oprah! I love that woman, and I bet she’ll love me too!
_ENDGod willing; Oprah! I love that woman, and I bet she’ll love me too!
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