Sunday, October 12, 2008

Diary of a JP Star


Dear diary...

It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that Love x's 2 was released. It has been a while though, almost two years to be exact… I am truly in love with this story and I whole heartedly believe in it as a product and self-help tool. My affection for Love x's 2 derives from a few different arenas in my life. First, as a writer; I was able to put a sensitive piece of life into words that aren't easily articulated in most households. Secondly, as a mother; Love x's 2 is loosely based on my daughter's experiences of living with both myself and her father; therefore, I had to humble myself in not making the accounts one-sided.

The hardest part of creating this book was being realistic in the day to day emotions that my own child was experiencing and acknowledging her pain & confusion. We all want to be great parents so to realize that we may be doing more harm than good is heartbreaking! I know personally that I've shed tears over the trails of parenthood whenever my money didn't stretch far enough to take care of my daughter's basic needs or when her father disappointed her. Sometimes it's when we're "trying" to do our best, that we neglect the "in your face" issues for the "in our mind" issues.

Creating love x's 2 helped me to realize that children shed tears over the trials of childhood too. Not [JUST] because they're spoiled, hard-headed or whatever else we come up with to continue ignoring the source of the problems. Most times as parents, we think of how much he dislike the other parent, the drama they cause and how we wish we would have jumped in another gene pool. We think these thoughts without thought as to how our little ones feel about their world at large… WE ARE THEIR WORLD! Despite how we feel about the other parent, our child/children adore both parents equally. Sure one may be more fun than the other or one may be a better care giver, but it's not up to us parents to taint the innate feelings of a child. As your child/children grow up, they will learn what parent takes care of what needs. They will also learn and acknowledge negative things about that other parent (without you having to say so.) The reality of it is, your child/children will also learn and acknowledge some not so nice things about you too… amazingly they will still love your crazy self, just as you will love them, flaws and all! With great pleasure, Love x's 2 was written to enlighten parents and relieve children!

Take heed, take care, and ALWAYS promote freedom of expression (without disrespect) amongst your family.

[HE]ART always,


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