It is times like this when I can truly say that I believe... I believe that I can be and do anything I set my mind to ...Even be an award winning African American children's author! the blue print has been laid and I am on my way...YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!
Our beautiful and wonderful children, eyes full of wonder, heads full of imagination and curious questions… Our babies, bi-racial, multi-cultural, open-minded and growing up in a world unlike our own; far from the world of our ancestors. I pray for them because most of all, this is their country; they are our leaders of tomorrow. These children are our senators, congress men & women, our caregivers and yes, even our presidents! Have you ever told your brown eyed, curly haired little one that they could grow up to be what ever they wanted to be, even the president of the United States?
Well, you couldn't have been more correct because TODAY, that is the truth.
President Elect Barack Obama we salute you!
[HE]ART always, TavyDay
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