Dear Lounge reader’s…
After my idol of all times Mr. Barack Obama accomplished a dream that America thought we’d never see, I’ve decided that the sky is the limit." So in my writing venture I plan to go extremely hard, even harder than expected," or I’ll go home; seriously… Man I am so pumped right now that I feel nothing can hold me back." The hard work of my ancestors and freedom fighter’s has finally come to pass, now it’s time that black America step up as we make history and yell, free at last!
It’s time to stop self hating and regroup, love one another and love to see the next get there head out of water. It’s time we promote and love one another instead of trying to kill one another! It’s time we let our thrones shine and live like the Kings and Queens that we truly are. It’ time we give back to our children and community and for once black America could be proud... We are no longer just your entertainer, and athletics, but now your congress and politicians, your judges and your presidents!
Go black America go!
Thought for the day: I can no longer be held back, I’ve thrown all excuses out the door. Because they will get me no where!
Sincerely, your West CoAsT Writer chick, Mimi Renee…… Blessings!
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