Thursday, March 5, 2009

Keisha's Back is against the Wall Diary entry #2

Have you ever been in so deep that you felt no one could get you out? Well that is reality for Keisha Cones. She is torn between worlds and crews and in need of some guidance. Read as our Lead character of Deadly Decisions attempts to face her demons...

Trapping on the block tonight I had a lot of shit on my mind. Heavy duty shit, like my future and my life. That was the main reason I dipped out so early, it wasn’t because I wasn’t feeling well like I lied and told the big homie….Though I would never admit to myself or others about the fear I had of getting locked up, or killed out here. I did and It was beginning to take a toll on me, and like all gangsta flicks, I knew as soon as shit got to getting too good, some bad shit was bound to happen." I just hoped that if shit dose go down, that I would be lucky enough to be appointed to a cold jail cell versus a casket dropping six feet deep.

I wanna live and truthfully speaking I do wanna get a chance to change my life and get to know God better, one of these days." But with my luck, I’d probably get set up, robbed and killed in the streets first! Then my grandma gone be grieving my lost and blaming herself for my own choices; my god I love that women more than life itself! So I know if not even for me I have to make a change in my life for her, or at least invest in a fucking street team out here. That way I could sit back relax and collect my money. And if shit got to popping off, then at least my hands would be clean and I would save my grandmother the tears…. Yea, that makes a lot of since to me; I’ll be on that shit at the top of the morning!

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